Wednesday 24 September 2008


If you've eaten out in the city this week you might have noticed that as well as the pre-requisite knife and fork at your place-setting, there's also a mysterious, additional piece of cutlery: an extra spoon!

But don't call the waiter over just yet. Those "forgotten spoons" are just our new ambient campaign to launch the start of this year's London Cousin Week, a 5 day festival that promotes the inclusion of that most overlooked and "forgotten" member of our family, the cousin. In fact, London's been going cousin crazy for last few days, as anyone in the city'll tell you. There's cousin themed events popping up all over town, and Snatch is no exception. We're holding our very own Cousin Week in the office, inviting (and in many cases flying) our relatives over to the agency to join us for a whole 5 days of cousins based madness.

Snatch's Forgotten Spoon's project is at every restaurant across London, and was designed by Japanese silversmith Yoshimuki Po, the man who does all the earrings for Madonna's videos.

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